Sunday, October 30, 2022

An Election Response To My Clan

So, first thanks for your feedback. You are among a select few, (meaning less than 10), whom I solicited for thoughts about me working at the polls in a few days here in South Carolina. Your input is valued, and I have decided to move forward on November 8. The reasons are clear: A couple of my respondents said, "They don’t wanna mess with you” because I am just not one to be messed with, LOL

Most, however, cautioned against me going, saying it wasn’t worth risking my safety.

But I say that I’m not going to let the dogs win — nor bite me. I trust your wisdom, and I understand there may be some personal peril. That’s life. What’s more important than individual safety is to let folks know that we are STILL in a democracy, and this great experiment may soon be over… Unless people of good conscience and spirit move forward to challenge the cruel, narcissistic, corrupt world that too many Americans now want.

As you know, I am a student of history, and clearly can see it repeating some of its Facist/Nazi influences in the encroaching future. We cannot let that happen, because we know the outcome. It would be a tragedy. The vote is all we Americans were given. 

It is all that’s left. Moreover, it would be an ultimate disservice to the ancestors who died to give us the opportunity to vote — not to mention being a Black poll worker in the Deep South at this moment.

So, as I said, we can’t let the bastards win. See ya at the polls. Vote 🗳 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Emergency: Somebody Please Dial 9-1-1

Oh, please — Stop equivocating with this Trump nonsense. Remember, this is the Central Park Five non-apologist; the Obama birther liar; the monster who called Sen. John McCain “a loser” for becoming a Vietnam War POW (while he shirked the draft); the “Stand Back And Stand By” racist hate-monger; the Insurrection Leader; the former president who clearly — and illegally — took the USA’s top secrets (for no good earthly reason, to be sure). 

From the moment he descended on his Trump Tower golden escalator to decry Mexicans, the sorry media has given this guy a platinum pass. Let him hide his taxes. Let him keep making money and enriching deals as prez. Let him shake Putin’s hands while shoving aside NATO ally Montenegro’s leader in a photo op. Let him have extramarital affairs with hush money at hand. Watch him get impeached — TWICE.

Suffer as we watch him let hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly from COVID-19 because, he says, he didn’t think Americans could handle the awful truth. Let him declare, without any real pushback, that he does not believe in science when climate change is closing upon us. Let him toss paper towels in Puerto Rico as hundreds of Americans perish and billions get spent to enrich his cronies. See his daughter and son-in-law get rich in the White House (although they can’t get security clearances). Watch the Trump Hotel host lavish soirées, paid by the Saudis who dismembered an American journalist.

The list goes on, and on, and on, and…Just call 9-1-1, for the sake of democracy.